So,I feel like being honest about how I feel right now so bear with me.
I'm happy with a lot of things in my life lately,...
i do chatting with Mr. sepom-jer-bob and gets a lot of sweet talk and new stories with him..
but something happened that pushed me to make a few decisions...
its about a transparent feeling..huk3.. it too complicated to said..
but i think the best way is stay away from you dear..
become a friend with Mr Sepom-jer-bob, i hope i can forget you dear..
I don't know if it was a good one or not..
urmm,personally I felt like it was for the best,
and I have faith that Allah will guide me throughout every decisions that I made.
It too hurt..But I just got to live through it.. hmm, its okay if some people can't understand why I did it, and see it as an act of selfishness... That's we call life dear.. I can't expect everyone to understand what I going to do.. I choose not to complain and just suck it up.. So I apologize if I did anything wrong to you dear... I'm only a human...
(kalau ada jodoh tak kan kmana~..ney la yg slalu kita perlu ingat)
tapi buat mase ney biarlah mase yg tentukan keyh! yg pntg
tumpu pade pelajaran dan bina kerjaya masing2 dahulu...
for that girl,dont be sad..now you can smile everyday keyh!
(kalau ada jodoh tak kan kmana~..ney la yg slalu kita perlu ingat)
tapi buat mase ney biarlah mase yg tentukan keyh! yg pntg
tumpu pade pelajaran dan bina kerjaya masing2 dahulu...
for that girl,dont be sad..now you can smile everyday keyh!
8 ulasan:
jiwangggggggggg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ko jeles...da ar copy ayt aku..
jiwangggg +emoooooo...
ang xdak ayt laen ke na copy???
xder mse nk jeles.....
dh mmg btul ang jiwang n emo...
xkn aku nk ckp bde laen kot...
hohohoho... nnt fitnah jd nyer...
emo tue ang la...awat aku lak...
tue jer post ket yer pom...
xdep kaitan r ngn jiwang..
kalau jiwang ayat berbunger2...
ape la ang ney..kwang3...
ang kan rockers...mn dpt beze jiwang x jiwang ney..hwah3...
elek2 sudeh des..ekeke...
ini bukan jiwang.
ini keikhlasan dalam p'cintaan..
tapi tidak jujur pada teman kamu..
kamu perlu jujur dengan teman itu..
jangan tinggalkan dia begitu aja..
ni kah kwn ak?????
pe yg ko rse ak rse gak,,
Kau bukan milikku, dah ku tahu segalanya…
Namun hati ini dah terukir namamu…
Mana mungkin aku mampu hapuskan
Ukiran namamu dihatiku…
Pedihnya sekadar menjadi penyinta bisu,
Lebih pedih bila tahu kau milik seseorang…
Aku tak mampu lakukan apa-apa…
Hatimu tak mungkin dapat kutakluki…
Aku sedar hati aku milikmu….
Tapi hatimu miliknya…
Jangan hantui hidupku lagi dengan
Bayanganmu…kerna hatiku luluh…
Jangan muncul dalam kotak ingatanku…
Walaupun hidupku bakal bergelap tanpa dirimu…
Tapi biarlah…
Daripada aku terus berendam air mata…
Sesuatu yang bukan milikku…
Takkan pernah jadi milikku…
Maafkan aku kerana terlalu menyayangi insan
Maafkan aku kerana terlalu mengimpikan
Dirimu jadi milikku…
Moga kau bahagia bersamanya…
for all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I’ll be forever thankful baby
You’re the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You’re the one who saw me through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’cause you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith; you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I’m grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don’t know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
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